Montenegro is ‘milking’ Bitcoin for All It’s Worth: First Cow Is Sold for BTC in the Balkans

With the help of an online agricultural platform, a cow was sold for Bitcoin (BTC) for the first time in Montenegrin – and maybe even global – history. The new owners paid 0.03 BTC (about 1700 USD) for the animal, and decided to name it ‘Bitkoinka’.
The sale was carried out by, a Montenegrin agricultural site which aims to improve and modernize agriculture by using digitalization and the Internet. The cow was actually purchased by the parents of one of the site’s own employees.
Anđela Bojić, whose family is now the proud new owner of Bitkoinka, thinks that the sale was an important step in bringing agriculture and modern technologies closer together.
“When I told Marko [founder of] that my parents wanted to buy a cow, he said that we should look for an innovative solution and make the animal the first one to be purchased with Bitcoin. I’m a young woman who works in the sector. I think that the future lays in the combination of agriculture and new technologies,” Bojić said.
The founder of, Marko Maraš has also shared his thoughts on the first sale of a cow for bitcoin.
“The transaction aimed to show the connection between innovation and agriculture. Cryptocurrenices, and most popularly bitcoin, has become part of our everyday life. Just recently, the first football transfer using Bitcoin was carried out. So we thought, why couldn’t we do the same in agriculture?”