First Ever Satoshi Nakamoto Statue to Be Unveiled in Budapest

The statue which pays tribute to the creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, is going to be unveiled on 16 September in Budapest.
‘We are all Satoshi’ is the main message of the statue
Next Thursday, the world’s first ever Satoshi Nakamoto statue is going to be unveiled in an industrial park in Budapest. The statue will depict a hooded figure with the famous ‘B’ of the Bitcoin logo featured on the left side of its hoodie. The abstract lines of the statue’s face will pay homage to the unknown creator of the world’s first cryptocurrency.
The creator, whose alias was Satoshi Nakamoto, has never revealed their identity to the world: not their name, not their gender, not even their real nationality, and completely disappeared a couple years after Bitcoin had come to life.
The statue, which was created by Hungarian sculptors, Réka Gergely and Tamás Gilly, also has one very distinctive feature. The aluminum bronze sculpture’s face has been polished as to reflect back the face of anyone who’s looking at Satoshi. According to the artists, this denotes the idea that ‘we are all Satoshi’ – that it doesn’t matter who actually created Bitcoin, because we are all part of this notion that stands for a more just and decentralized world, independent of banks and the state.
The idea for the statue came from András Györfi, the founder of KriptoAkadé, a news and educational site for people interested in cryptocurrencies. The project was financed by the Hungarian crypto community and was backed by 27 organizations and private individuals. The crowdfunded money was used for the erection of statue as well as the creation of a short movie.
The unveiling will take place on 16 September in Graphisoft Park in Budapest. A speech will be given by András Györfi as well as some prominent members of the Hungarian crypto community, such as Kornél Kalocsai, the president of Blockchain Hungary, Imre Szilágyi from Blockchain Budapest and Barnabás Debreczeni, the founder of MrCoin, a Hungarian crypto exchange.